The plumbers and electricians were back today and the plumbers were doing their wheelbarrow racing down the hill to their van and back up.
It was a beautiful day, no wind and it was pleasantly warm in the sun.
Molly and I disturbed some jack snipe and snow buntings on the way down to the village. I have never seen either of these birds before and the snow buntings were very pretty little birds.
I should have taken a camera down with me, not so much to photograph the birds on the way down but to take a photo on the way back.
We were just leaving the village when I heard the sound of an engine coming fast down a hill on a side road. I pulled Molly in to the side of the road in case we got run down by somebody skidding round the icy corner at the bottom of the hill. All of a sudden a very large Kawasaki quad bike hurtled round the corner with a 70+ year old very sweet looking, white haired granny riding it. I don't think that I could handle a quad that size with such confidence on ice.
I bet that she is one of those sweet little old ladies who beat up hooligans with their walking sticks.
There is hope for all of us as we get older. When I am 70 I am going to buy a big quad.
We managed to get into get into Kirkwall to do a bit of shopping and as they were selling off peanuts in their shells for dirt cheap, I thought that I would get some for the birds. After spending hours shelling peanuts, i decided that in future I will lash out the cash and buy ready shelled peanuts. Unfortunately the birds here are not used to them and can't shell their own.
In the evening it was the beginners obedience test for the disobedient dog. She had her car sickness tablet (maybe there will be a dog doping scandal) and we went down to Kirkwall early so that we could have a good walk round before her test. It took Molly a minute or two to settle down in her test but then she did very well. (I had a chance to let her walk round for a bit before her test but I didn't wait long so it is my fault that she wasn't settled at the start of her test.)
We had to go out and kick our heels for just over an hour while the others did their tests. When we got the results, not only had Molly passed her test but she got 62.25 points out of 70 and was third out of 12. There was only 1.5 points between the top 3, so if I had settled her first then she would have won. So now it is "clever dog" and "stupid human". Molly even got a little shield. All we need now is for Molly to decide to come back when I call her at home instead of just in the hall in Kirkwall.
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