Thursday is Pam's craft day so she has to get up early (well 8 o-clock which is early for Pam). She picked up Helen, the vicars wife from the village and off they went.
Now, should I take advantage of this and lounge about aimlessly or not? On reflection, when Pam gets back she will ask what I have done, so I had better do something or think up a believeable story.
Doing something is probably easier, so I shifted some more soil and rubbish.
In the evening there was an interesting talk on the archeological digs done in Orkney last year. We both decided that we would like to go for a listen to see what had been happening. I let Pam off cooking duties for the evening and we went to The Shore for a meal before the talk. It is the first time we have had a meal at the Shore. It has a good reputation and it lived up to it.
The archeology talk was very good. particularly interesting was the analysis of disease and vitamin deficiency in skeletons from The Tomb of Eagles. As an aside to this, the speaker pointed out that the Tomb of Eagles may have been mis-named. Large numbers of Sea Eagle bones were found in the tomb when it was originally excavated and it was thought that these may be linked to some sort of ceremony. It turns out however that the eagle bones are a lot younger than the human skeletons and it may just have been that wild eagles used the tomb as a roost.
Then a couple of days later we are going on a cruise on another of the tall ships so I will get all off hand about it.
Friday was another lovely day. I managed to get the poly-tunnel down and "yes", it is concreted into the ground so tomorrow we will see if I can get the bottom bits of the frame and their lumps of concrete out.
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