Tuesday 29th May 2012
A Few Quiet Days Before It All Kicks Off
The folk festival starts on Thursday so we have a few days to try and gather our energy before it all starts. A few early nights and lazy days are called for.
On Sunday I was supposed to be going on a walk with the South Ronaldsay group from Burwick around the south coast up to Windwick but My aged leg started acting up. Well in fact both of my aged legs were acting up and so I had to cry off. I did manage to sit on the tractor and take the topper over the top field to tidy it up and take all the seed heads off the grass.
One of the ducks has gone broody so I have removed her eggs and replaced them with some hen eggs, 3 Andalusian and 3 black Orpingtons. We will have to wait and see how she does.
At the moment I think that we are providing half of Burray with eggs. Pam is keeping most of the duck eggs to bake with but Hilda has had a few as she also loves them for baking.
On Sunday evening Pam decided that she had done enough cooking and baking and so we retired to The Sands for a meal. We saw Magnus Woolham in The Sands and he says that they have had over 2000 hits on the Orkan Adventures website since we put up the whale video on "You tube" and have got some firm bookings. Nice to know that we have managed to do them some good.
Our friends Dave and Clare are on holiday in the western isles this week. Dave is a keen bird watcher and was looking forward to seeing some sea eagles and golden eagles if he could. Of course, "Sod's Law" struck again and on Monday there was a golden eagle and 5 sea eagles seen on Hoy. I had to text him just to rub it in. He has not yet seen any eagles.
I got a phone call from The Orkney Sea Angling Association asking if I wanted to go out for a trip tomorrow. I had earlier said that I would like to try a trip to see if I took to boat fishing and they have an all day trip tomorrow with spare places and some experienced members who will be able to help me learn what I am supposed to do. I can borrow some of their gear so that I do not have to buy my own rods, reels etc until I have decided if it is OK and I am not going to be sea-sick all day. At least it is supposed to be a reasonably calm day tomorrow.
I was supposed to be going out with the painting group tomorrow so I have had to send my apologies. Hopefully the fishing will be more fun.
We sent away to "Vista-Print" for a T-Shirt for Magnus Spence for a joke and it arrived on Monday. I must admit that they had made a much better job of it than I expected.
Unfortunately I did not take a photo of the T shirt but this is the logo that we had put on the front with Orkan Adventures address on the back.
When we took it round both the Magnus's were at Northfield, Magnus Spence's farm and Magnus S dissolved in laughter at the sight of the shirt. He said that he would not dare to wear it but would hang it on his wall. {We have since learned that he did indeed wear it at the folk festival when he was playing with "The Birsay Boys".}
Great stuff!!