Children and Grandchildren.

27th December 2011
Down south for Christmas again. It doesn't seem a year since last Christmas but they say that the years fly by as you get older. Before I know it I will be a great grandfather at this rate.

It was a pleasant trip down to Aberdeen on the ferry. Because of my advancing years I get 4 free ferry trips each year and on overnight trips this includes a free cabin. This getting old bit has a good number of added bonuses to help compensate for the aches and pains that seem to be increasing.
A good sleep and then breakfast on the boat before heading off to drive down to Leek so that at least we start the trip refreshed and can have a leisurely drive down south with 2 or 3 stops on the way.

The amount of luggage that we had managed to stuff into the little Toyota Yaris would have made Santa envious. I was only hoping that we did not have to fetch the same amount back as I was due to collect an Andalusian cockerel from Gloucestershire while we are down and his cage would take a bit of room.

We stayed at Gareth's while we were down as babs has not got a spare room yet but we managed to see plenty of both Babs, Gareth and all three grandchildren. It was nice to have a chance to get to know Ella a bit now that she is getting a little older. ( I am old and grumpy and not too good with little babies until they start to develop a character of their own).

Maddy and Harry allowed us adults to accompany them to a pantomime and on a steam train ride for a Santa special. Pantomimes are one really good reason for having children or grandchildren as it is illegal for adults to go to pantomimes without a child and it would be even worse for a lone adult to be heard shouting "He's behind you", at the top of his voice.

The downside of little children is that if two adults have to share a bed with a 6 year old Maddy, then they are not likely to get much sleep. It is very nice to be woken up in the middle of the night by the most beautiful girl in the world giving you a big hug and telling you that she loves you but after a few days you can find yourself wishing to be loved a little less.
That combined with little feet walking up my back for half the night was not designed to make me feel fresh as a daisy in the morning.

While we were down south, Steve from across the road was looking after the various poultry. Every time that I heard the weather forecast it seemed that Orkney was suffering from gales and torrential rain and we had a phone call from Helen when she said that the sea was steaming and even going over No4 barrier.
I think that we will have to get Steve a really nice thankyou present when we return.

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