
Tuesday 3rd January 2012

After being taken into Macclesfield hospital on boxing day, my dad died on the 28th December half an hour after we had left him expecting to return next morning.
I shall always think that I should have stayed for an extra half hour but then dad would probably still have held on until after we had gone. At least I am glad that I was down here and I know that dad recognised us all.

I saw the mist in my fathers eye
and I realise now he was saying goodbye.

I left with a wave to his hospital bed.
"See you in the morning dad", I said.

I did not know what he knew then,
That we would never meet again.

I haven't quite sorted myself out yet and do not know how I feel. It was not a tragedy as dad did not want to go on as he had been recently. He had not been happy since mum died 3 years ago. It leaves a sort of hole in my life though.
I suppose that I am officially an orphan now and it feels as if my roots have been severly pruned.

I have always just felt that I am part of Wilmslow, or more specifically part of Fulshaw and Fulshaw is part of me. Now however, I no longer have a firm tie to my home. I have been cast adrift.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. Even though I never lived there that little corner of Wilmslow was an anchor that has now been weighed -so many wonderful memories, such feelings of belonging. Nice photo of your parents.
