The sun is shining and all is well with the world.

Wednesday 29th February 2012
At long last it feels as though spring may not be far away. The rain seems to be much reduced, the wind has dropped, the sun is shining and the days are getting longer.
Even the chickens have started coming back into lay and I have got some eggs from my andalusians into the incubator. No doubt we shall soon be snide out with eggs and either Pam will have to bake a lot more cakes, or I will have to wander round Burray, randomly leaving boxes of eggs on the doorsteps of the unsuspecting.

On the subject of chickens, I don't remember if I said before but Pam commissioned Tim Wooton to do a painting of some of my chickens for my 65th birthday last December. I chose to have some of my andalusians as the subject for the painting and Tim has now finished it.

I am very pleased with it. It is away being framed at the moment but when it returns it will have pride of place in the lounge. (This is Pam's lounge up the other end of the house so I am truly honoured as normally none of my stuff is allowed up there.)

I decided that I have not been doing much since I had the operation on my hand. In my defence, it has been very sensitive to the cold and even in a mitten it has been giving me a bit of gip. Anyway it is getting a bit better now and the weather is a bit warmer so hopefully I should be able to get out and about a bit more.

Since having the Op on my hand I have had to temporarily give up the keyboard lessons that I was having (no great loss to the music world there then) so I decided that I would use the time for other things. Consequently I have enrolled in a painting and drawing class and joined a local singing group/ choir.
The first art class was last night in "the Hope" and after an initial feeling of trepidation after seeing the work of some others in the class, I really enjoyed it. The lady running the class is very good and can help and encourage people with different abilities and requirements.
When I first went into the room where the class is held, I was just going to introduce myself to the tutor when a voice from one side said "hello Dave", I looked over to see Angus from the village. I was round at his house the other week and he showed me some of his drawings which are brilliant, everything from highly detailed drawings of buildings to superb line drawn portraits. Instead of thinking, "Oh it's nice to see a friendly face in the group", my immediate thought was , "Oh shit, if all the others are of a similar standard to Angus, then I am in the wrong place.
The tutor reckons however, that she can teach me to draw reasonably well in the 8 weeks of the course. I personally think that it will be as much as a challenge for her as it is for me.

While at the art group, I overheard one of the ladies talking to Angus. I only caught a bit of the conversation (It not being in my nature to listen into other people's conversations) but she mentioned to Angus that they had another man from Burray coming to the singing group on Wednesday. It transpires that I am the above mysterious "other man from Burray". Angus immediately accused me of stalking him but in my defence, I did not have a clue that he was in either of the groups and If I had known that he was in the art group, I may have got frightened off.

The singing group is on tonight at the Cromarty Hall in "the Hope", so we will wait and see if i am allowed to sing or am told never to darken their class again. I don't think that my voice is too bad but then when you see all those people on X Factor and similar programmes, who obviously think that they can sing, it makes you realise that probably what you hear when you are singing, is not necessarily what others hear.
Anyway, I have to go off and make some chicken runs now for a change or Pam will accuse me of lazing about again.

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