Not much happened.

Sunday 5th June 2011
This week was a bit of a nothing happened week. I seem to have spent half my time doing chicken things and getting the chicken shed fitted out using some of the bits out of the old kitchen. The chicken shed is not for the chickens to live in but is for me to keep all the chicken stuff, the young chicks while thay are on heat lights and the incubators.
I managed to get the electrics sorted out and have installed the old work surface and sink that was taken out of the kitchen in the house. All I have to do now is to rig up a water supply and some drains. I think that I have an old water heater somewhere so I will have to root that out and fit it aswell.

The bottom field was looking a bit unkempt so I topped the grass off but there are now a few orchids in the field as well as in the garden so I mowed round these as I like seeing them about. They are not rare and even grow along the road verges but I do not like to cut them down before they have seeded. Consequently the field now looks as though it has been attacked by a drunken trainee barber. Long patches of grass here and there and mower tracks swerving all over the place. Gareth would be ashamed of me.

I managed to break one of the belts on the sit on mower so I had to finish the lawn with the tractor and pasture topper, once again avoiding the orchids. It now looks worse than the field as e are about 100 orchids in the lawn and I have swerved round to miss almost all of them.

Duncan finally got the shower in the old bathroom finished. Only a year late but then you can not go rushing things up here. That is the last thing that has to be done to the house I think, so Pam is a happy bunny.

On Wednesday evening we went to the Al Murray show at the Picky Centre. It was the first time we have been to a "Do" there and I was impressed by the arrangements. Unfortunately, I was less impressed by Al Murray, though some others really enjoyed it. His act seemed to me to mainly rely on taking the piss out of the people in the front three rows of the audience.
Duncan enjoyed it but then he knew all the people in the front three rows so maybe that is why I didn't enjoy it so much.
Having sad that, it was an OK night, just not as good as I was hoping for. Maybe Eddie Izzard will come up here one day.

On Saturday morning I had a senior moment (or a senior couple of hours) I got up early, packed my lunch and other bits and bobs and headed off to Kirkwall to catch the ferry to Westray. Imagine my consternation when on arriving at the harbour there were no ferries to be seen and I knew that I was in plenty of time. After asking the whereabouts of the ferries, I concluded correctly that I had got the wrong day and that the trip to Westray was Sunday and not Saturday so back home again.

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