Mk1 goose house and the incredible Mk3 Chicken house.

Wednesday 6th April 2011

It has just dawned on me that I have not put any photos up for a bit and they do at least break up the text.
I have not at the moment got any decent photos to put up so if you could just imagine an idylic scene that you would like to have a photo of and then imagine it in the space below, I would be grateful.


Thanks for that.

I have managed to get most of a larger mark3 chicken hutch built but it is overcast and permanently drizzling today so it will probably not get finished until tomorrow.
You will be amazed by the skill that has gone into its construction, not to mention the number of nails.

At a slightly more basic level I made a goose shelter out of some old palletts and asbestos roof sheets from Hamish's old shed. We are getting some goslings after easter and while they are fairly tough, they need a bit of shelter from the wind sometimes. While the shelter is not going to win any prizes for architectural beauty, it is at least to heavy to blow away.

Just to give a bit of light relief I will take some photos of the aforementioned constructional marvels sometime and you can sit back in awe and admire them. No comments will be necessary.

This afternoon Pam had a meeting here with Richard Thomas, the new chairman of the U3A. They have a full committee meeting here next monday and I have a sneaking suspicion that Pam's meeting with Richard may have had something of a coup about it.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the picture, might share it down in my Dingly Dell.
