We all got up early to get Gareth and Maddy packed up as they return home today.
It had been a bit breezy overnight and some of the racks stood outside the shed had blown over. I made a mental note to arrange to make sure that I arrange some way of chaining the little trailer down before winter.
We were almost out of milk so I went down to the shop to get some but it doesn't open untill 9 AM on Sundays so I went down to The Hope but it was like a rather damp ghost town. In the end we had enough anyway.
During breakfast we noticed that a neighbouring farmer had managed to get his car grounded out across the road while checking his cattle so we tried to push him out to no avail. A bit of a tow with the lucida however got him out OK so good deed for the day done.
We finaly got all ready and off to the Airport. On the way we noticed that the wind turbine at Burray school had been blown down. I did not think that it had been that windy. I am sure that there must have been a fault on it or something had not been bolted down properly.
Kirkwall airport is by far the best airport that I have ever been in. Everone is friendly and helpful.
It is small so you cannot get lost. The car park is free and indeed many of the people from the outer isles do as June Morris does and keep a car at the airport so that when they fly in they can go shopping. They then do their shopping, drop it at the ferry and drive back to the airport to dump the car for another week.
That may be a bit of an expensive thing to do at Manchester airport.
After seeing one child off not long ago, to see the other one off today, knowing that we will not see either of them for months is very sad even if it was our choice to move away.
We hung about after Gareth and Maddy had gone to the departure lounge to wave them off as it is difficult to wave at an aeroplane from the house. Maddy looked very windswept and interesting as they went to board the aircraft.
And so goodbye.
we came home and Pam put some washing out to dry, not a thing that I would have done as it may have ended up in Norway but they survived.