Saturday 14th August
County show today. A good day, some cloud and sunny spells but no rain so just right for the show.
We all overslept a bit and were later getting to the show than I had meant to be but this worked out just right. We arrived just as they were getting ready to fetch all the winners of the individual beef classes into the ring for the champion beef judging.
There were some beautiful animals as indeed there should be up here. There was a superb Angus cow with a calf at foot which I though would win but it turned out to be a Limousin cross bull calf that won the champion beef animal.The judge may have been right or wrong but it must take a lot of guts and confidence in your own judgement to place a young calf above adult animals and it was a nice calf even if I did chop its head off in the photo. The Angus cow and calf got reserve champion.
On the way back we dropped into Tesco's ( decides not to rant about Tesco's again for a little while) and when Pam was at the checkout, the lad there asked if she had been to the show and if she knew what had won the beef championship. It turns out that his uncle owns the Angus cow that won the reserve champion so the lad was very pleased as it meant that there would be a good "knees up" tonight when he finished work.
We then drove back past our land in Tankerness to show Peter the rest of our estate
Peter had just finished complaining like a spoilt tourist that he had not yet seen a Hen Harrier when one flew across in front of us and off over the fields at low level.
We got homa and took the dog for a run on our front field and another Hen Harrier came over, slowly quartering the next field. Peter is now complaining that he has not seen a male Hen Harrier. You just can not please some people.
I will try to catch up tomorrow by putting in photos and SOME DRAMATIC EVENTS to show what lengths we go to in attempts to satisfy Peter's every whim.
WATCH THIS SPACE (Well not actually this space but a space in the next blog but it is a space that is a bit like this space so you get the general idea of what I mean)
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