Visitors gone. Weather turned yeukky

Sunday 24 july 2011
It has now turned overcast and a bit breezy, Monday and Tuesday were not much better so it was a "stay indoors" sort of few days. Barbara and Harry are due up next Sunday so we had a bit of tidying up to do anyway. I finally got round tomtaking a load of baby clo0thes out of the shed and took them down to Jimmy and Helens. Theirngrandchildren are haveing some of them and the rest are going for sale in The Blue Door to help raise money for the playpark in The Hope. A good use for sapre baby clothes.

I think that Jimmy and Helen were a bit surprised by the quantity. We had told them that there were a lot but there must have been 6 or 7 big bags full and 3 big plastic tubs. So they are now cluttering Jimmy's garage instead of my shed.

Wednesday turned out to be a better day and I found that had an overwhelming desire to mow all the lawns. (Well Pam said that I wanted to so she must be right) Pam topped the fields so outside is all neat and tidy. The strimmer refused to start properly so there are still a few unkempt edges but this is Orkney, not Surrey so I do not think it matters.

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