A rude awakening for the lie-abeds.

Thursday 26th August 2010

I of course always get out of bed at a reasonable time but some amongst us would spend all morning in bed if they could so this morning was good even if slightly cruel.
At about 8:30 the builders started compacting the flooring with a whacker-packer. Maddy was first up but Gareth and Pam were not far behind although how they managed to sleep that long was fairly astounding.

We went to Kirkwall again so that Gareth could buy pressies for taking home. It took some time but eventually all was sorted.

We bought a copy of The Orcadian newspaper because we thought that the photos from the rock-pooling day may be in it but unfortunately there was nothing. It must not have been a "bad news week". Fortunately we had not told Maddy that the photos would definitely be in the paper so she was not expecting them or we may have had to get a special edition printed.

The schedule for the science festival was on a leaflet in the Orcadian and there are several talks that I would like to go to so we will have to see which ones do not clash and get some booked fairly soon.

After we got back I went to see the man across the barrier who has an N gauge train set to try and make up my mind if I should go with N gauge or OO gauge. He explained some of the problems with N gauge, including having small grandchildren stuffing carriages down tunnels. I will have to consider it, OO is to my mind better but the small size of N gauge means that a lot more can be fitted into the same space so I could get a bigger layout. Life is always full of problems.

In the evening the plumbers came to fit the underfloor heating pipes in the extension. They had to get it all in tonight as the concrete is coming first thing in the morning so they were here until 9PM.

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