These seals are rubbish

Sunday 17th October 2010
Not to be defeated in the search for seal pups we took another trip out round Windwick and Burwick as I had heard that there were pups at Burwick.
It will come as no surprise to you dear reader, that we did not find any of the damn things. But this time I did not even see or hear any adult seals.

On Monday things went from bad to worse as the new Tesco store opened in Kirkwall.
Now you will know that Tesco's is to say the least, not my favourite shop and the idea of going round the new one on the first day of opening was to my mind only marginally better than castrating myself with my teeth and no anaesthetic.

So of course we went to Tesco's. It was the first time since moving up to Orkney that I have felt my heartrate rising and I do not think that it was because I was excited by the prospect of shopping there.

It is not that I don't like shopping. Shearer's is a nice shop. They sell everything from bread to beachcaster fishing rods and from baked beans to wood burning stoves. It is almost a pleasure to go there. Fighting my way round a supermarket full of crazed women who look one way and push their trolleys the other way while we buy stuff that we either don't need or could have got from Shearer's strikes me as little short of masochism.

If we needed to have a selection of 43 different types of pasta then maybe we need to go to Tesco's but we don't.

Tuesday came as it often does after Monday and the builders started knocking the window out of the old bedroom wall. When the new window is fitted then that will be almost all the external work done.

In the afternoon Pam thought that she was getting a bit of an infection in the wound from her op so I managed to persuade her to phone up and make an appointment to see the practice nurse on Wednesday. It was 5:15 PM when she phoned but this being Orkney instead of England, the doctor told her to come straight round and he would see her as soon as she got there instead of making an appointment for sometime in the next few days.
We shot round to the surgery and he checked Pam, took some samples and started her on antibiotics straight away.

Even Pam thinks that the standard of care up here is much better than down south even if we do have to travle to Aberdeen for some things.

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